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Your Search Results (19)

  • Lessons (19)
  • Professional Development (0)

Picturing the Underground Railroad: Historical Context Through Book Covers

Students analyze three book covers to understand historical context, to reflect on how identity impacts interpretation, and to discuss the role of media makers in crafting historical representations.

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Middle School, High School, College

15-30 Minutes

Illustration, Literature, Photograph
Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Commercial Arts/Advertising, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology, Library/Information Literacy, ELA/English Language Arts

Challenging White Supremacy

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson using diverse media imagery to teach about the history of the black freedom/civil rights movement in the United States.

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Middle School, High School, College

30-60 Minutes, Over 60 Minutes

Editorial Cartoon, Illustration, Informational Text, Map, News - Print, Photograph, Poster
Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Commercial Arts/Advertising, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology

Decoding the Twenty: Andrew Jackson and Harriet Tubman

In this media literacy activity students analyze images related to the twenty dollar bill for messages about U.S. history and historical context.

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Middle School, High School, College

15-30 Minutes

Editorial Cartoon, Illustration, Social Media
Subject Areas
US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Economics, Sociology, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy

Arguing For Freedom

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson using diverse media imagery to teach about the history of the movement to abolish slavery in the United States in the early and mid-19th century.

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Middle School, High School, College

30-60 Minutes, Over 60 Minutes

Illustration, Informational Text, Literature, News - Print, Poster
Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Commercial Arts/Advertising, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Economics, Sociology

A Media Chronology

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson about Dr. King's public accomplishments and their representation in the media.

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Middle School, High School, College

Over 60 Minutes

Illustration, Informational Text, Literature, Music/song, News - Print, Photograph, Poster, Speech, Web Video
Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Film/Video Arts, Commercial Arts/Advertising, Music, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy

Aretha Franklin: Amazing Grace

Students analyze excerpts from a documentary and a TV mini-series about Aretha Franklin singing “Amazing Grace” for messages about artistic expression and the impact on individuals and society.

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Middle School, High School, College

15-30 Minutes

Documentary Film, Web Video, Documentary Film, Feature Film
Subject Areas
Film/Video Arts, Music, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology, English Language Instruction

Black Identity

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson using excerpts from four songs to reflect on the meaning of black identity in the black freedom/civil rights movement.

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Middle School, High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Subject Areas
Psychology, Music, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology

Carry Me to Freedom

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson using four short song excerpts to compare musical forms carrying abolitionist messages.

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Middle School, High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Subject Areas
Music, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology

Constructing King

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing diverse media representations of Dr. King including conflicting video interpretations of Dr. King and Malcolm X.

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Middle School, High School, College

Over 60 Minutes

Documentary Film, Feature Film, Illustration, Informational Text, News - Print, Photograph, Television Program, Webpage
Subject Areas
Psychology, Visual Arts, Film/Video Arts, Commercial Arts/Advertising, Journalism, Consumer Education, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology, ELA/English Language Arts

Covering Black Lives Matter: Front Page Constructions

In this media literacy activity students analyze newspaper front pages for messages about media representation of nationwide protests following the murder of George Floyd.

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Middle School, High School, College

15-30 Minutes

News - Print, Photograph
Subject Areas
Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy, ELA/English Language Arts

Critical Race Theory – Whose History? Whose Story?

Students analyze clips from a variety of video sources for messages about the teaching of U.S. history, critical race theory and the power of media to persuade.

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High School, College

15-30 Minutes

Animated Film, Feature Film, News - Video, Web Video
Subject Areas
Psychology, Film/Video Arts, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology, English Language Instruction

Harriet Tubman Seizes Freedom – Many Stories

In this media literacy activity students analyze excerpts from children’s books for messages about Harriet Tubman, enslavement and the Underground Railroad.

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Upper Elementary

15-30 Minutes

Illustration, Informational Text, Literature
Subject Areas
US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, ELA/English Language Arts

Miles Davis: Inspiration to a Masterpiece

In this media literacy activity students analyze video clips from a feature film and a documentary film for messages about musical inspiration and collaborative creativity.

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High School, College

15-30 Minutes

Documentary Film, Feature Film
Subject Areas
Psychology, Film/Video Arts, Music, Sociology

Representations of Enslavement in South Carolina – Context is Everything

In this media literacy activity students analyze primary and secondary texts from the 19th, 20th & 21st century for messages about African slavery in South Carolina.

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High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Informational Text, Photograph, Webpage
Subject Areas
US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy

Sculptures of Dr. King: Reading the Messages

This is a media literacy and critical thinking activity in which students analyze four sculptures for messages about Dr. King's life and legacy.

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Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary

15-30 Minutes

Subject Areas
Visual Arts, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, ELA/English Language Arts

Teaching the Enslavement of African People in the Americas

In this media literacy activity students analyze an executive summary from a research report, an opinion piece in a newspaper and a post in an online community site for messages about how and why we teach about the history of slavery.

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High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Blog Post, Editorial Opinion, Informational Text
Subject Areas
US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology

1868 Harper's Weekly Cover, "The First Vote"

Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a magazine cover on the first vote for African Americans following passage of the 15th Amendment for messages about voting rights, race and target audience.

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Middle School, High School

Under 15 Minutes

Subject Areas
Visual Arts, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government

2008 Historical Election Magazine Covers

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson decoding magazine covers related to Barack Obama's historic campaign to become the first African-American president for messages about imagery, target audience and historical context.

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High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Commercial Arts/Advertising, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology

1868 "White Man's Government" Nast Cartoon

Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing an 1868 political cartoon for messages about suppression of voting rights for African Americans.

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High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Editorial Cartoon, Editorial Opinion
Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government