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Your Search Results (2)
Arguing For Freedom
Media literacy and critical thinking lesson using diverse media imagery to teach about the history of the movement to abolish slavery in the United States in the early and mid-19th century.
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This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: Abolition of SlaveryKit: Media Constructions of Social Justice
Visual Arts, Commercial Arts/Advertising, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Economics, Sociology
Middle School, High School, College
30-60 Minutes, Over 60 Minutes
Rosie the Riveter: Depiction of Women During WWII
Students will compare three illustrations depicting Rosie the Riveter, from 1943 and 2017 to analyze gender messages and historical context.
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US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, ELA/English Language Arts
Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School
15-30 Minutes